Whistleblower system at KAHLES

KAHLES attaches great importance to acting with integrity. This applies at company level as well as at management and employee level. We comply with applicable laws and regulations as well as internal guidelines. In order to enable managers and employees to behave with integrity and in accordance with the rules, we have issued various internal codes of conduct and guidelines.

With the Whistleblower Directive EU-2019/1937, the European legislator has created a legal framework for drawing attention to wrongdoing of any kind. In Austria, this EU directive was implemented with the Whistleblower Protection Act (HSchG). It obliges companies with more than 50 employees to set up an internal whistleblower system.

We now also have such a system in our company. It is intended to help us to draw attention to irregularities by providing appropriate information so that we can react promptly, restore the legal situation as quickly as possible and avert damage.

All information of this kind will of course be treated confidentially. The identity of persons and data are 100% protected. We process every suspected case impartially and neutrally. Every report received is examined carefully and comprehensively by the Compliance Manager. If the case is valid, it is presented to the Compliance Board and the next steps are agreed. If a breach of the applicable rules is identified, the necessary steps are taken.


What can be reported?
Beyond the subject areas provided for in the Austrian Whistleblower Protection Act (HSchG):

• Antitrust law and fair competition
• Avoidance of conflicts of interest
• Gifts, invitations and benefits
• Export control
• Protection of information
• etc.

In the “Other” category, topics can be reported that go beyond the reporting categories specified by the legislator.


How to report in our whistleblower system?
The following channels have been set up:

whistleblower platform


via QR code via smartphone:



Anonymous reports can also be submitted via the whistleblower platform. Further information on the legal background, the process and operating instructions for the system and other information can also be found at the link provided.

Information can also be sent by E-Mail

 Information can also be given by telephone on +43 5223 511-6475.